Public Private Partnerships (P3)
Infuse private sector innovation & share risk.

Creating positive economic impact

We will collaborate and customize a partnership to optimize the value of your local and regional airports. By working with airport owners, stakeholders, and the community, we will generate expanded transportation services and deliver economic growth.
Why choose P3?
Infuse private sector innovation. Accelerate implementation of efficient solutions
Guide authorities and municipalities in their transition from operator to regulator
Design customized, tailor-made solutions aligned with the local community
Make airports more competitive by reducing total cost of ownership of airport facilities, providing long-term financial sustainability
Fast-track development of airport facilities by transferring or sharing operational, financial, and/or development risk with private sector
Improve customer experience and passenger service levels. Accelerate economic development and job creation
Did you know? Out of the world’s busiest 100 airports, 46 are managed under a P3

Airport sector benefits

Commercial Revenue
Our independent research based on global airport benchmarks shows that commercial revenues under a P3 structure are 5-15% higher than those with public sector participation only
The research also shows a 15-30% lower Operating Expenditure (OPEX) for global Airport P3 developments
Construction Cost
In addition, the cost of building greenfield facilities and redeveloping existing infrastructure is 10-20% lower in a P3 structure
Customer Satisfaction
Last but not least, customer facing P3 developments provide over 10% higher customer satisfaction and passenger experience metrics